2 min read
Why Humble?
Words have different meanings for different people. We choose to interpret things we read or hear based on our own background, culture and beliefs.
So why choose to set up a company with the word Humble front and centre when this could be interpreted in many ways – including some with negative connotations?
Because humility is our core value. Something in our hearts and ever present in our work.
Being humble doesn’t mean we’re self-deprecating or submissive. That we aren’t experienced agile practitioners with tangible experience and wide ranging skills. That we don’t deserve to work and collaborate with you. It means we provide expertise, without the ego.
For us it means that our focus is always on you. Your goals and the people in your organisation. With humility and care. Always.
So whilst in its purest sense the word “Humble” is defined as:
having a modest estimate of one’s importance
In the context of Humble Associates we define this as:
holding our client needs as our most important focus

A humble approach is backed by research which evidences that:
- Humility helped to repair relationships and built stronger bonds between groups of people Davis et al. (2012).
- Those who are more humble were more likely to offer help, and offered more of their time, to those in need (LaBouff et al. 2011).
- Being honest and humble is a good predictor of people’s job performance (Megan et al., 2011).
- Leaders of all ranks view admitting mistakes, spotlighting follower strengths and modelling teachability as being at the core of humble leadership. And view these three behaviours as powerful predictors of their own as well as the organization’s growth (Owens et al., 2011).
If you would like any more information about our approach, get in touch.